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Welcome Home!

 ברוכים הבאים

Congregation Beth El is a Conservative synagogue serving the San Diego Jewish community. Our mission is to create a home for every Jewish soul by offering a variety of experiences to nourish the mind, heart, and spirit, fostering our caring Jewish community.

Coming up at CBE...

Join us for our Fall Shabbaton featuring scholar in residence Dr. Arnold Eisen:

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This Shabbat
November 8-9 | 8 Heshvan

Kabbalat Shabbat

6:15 PM

Candle Lighting

4:33 PM

Shabbat Morning  Services

9:30 AM

Torah Portion: Lekh Lekha

Genesis 12:1-17:27

Daily Minyan


9 AM

Join us for a daily dose of spirituality, learning, and community at our Morning Minyan!


7:30 AM

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BEIT: Concepts & Convictions: Jewish Theology Then

November 7 | 7:00 PM


Family Shabbat Morning

November 9 | 10:30 AM

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Chai: Jews & Brews

November 12 | 7-9 PM


Learn More about Congregation Beth El

Gathering together at Congregation Beth El roots all of us in a local, focused expression of Jewish peoplehood and provides us with the resources we need to live compelling and thoughtful Jewish lives. We gain inspiration, support, and home in a synagogue community personalizing for us what it means to be part of the larger Jewish community and people. We invite you join with us to participate as a cherished member of our synagogue family. 

Stay in the know with our Newsletter

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