Bnei Mitzvah
Our children become Bar and Bat Mitzvah (Son or Daughter of the Commandments) at a formative time in their lives. As they become Jewish teenagers, this ceremony marks a transition for them from the learning and joys of their childhoods to the moral consciousness, religious privileges, and imperative of their responsibilities as maturing Jews.

At Congregation Beth El our Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation program seeks to guide our students toward the development of ethical awareness as they master the synagogue skills and Jewish concepts for living and celebrating their lives. Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations take place within the context of each child’s family, our synagogue community, and Shabbat Services. Bar and Bat Mitzvah is a joyous event for every student’s family and our entire synagogue family.
For more information about Congregation Beth El's Bar and Bar Mitzvah Program for your family, please contact the Rabbinic Office.
Bnei Mitzvah Program Overview
Our goal at Congregation Beth El is to help every family celebrating their child becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah to find meaning and enjoyment in this special milestone. We strive to individualize each student's training and each family's preparations.
Our objectives at Congregation Beth El are for every student:
To develop a positive connection to Judaism, the Jewish people, the Jewish community and our synagogue.
To study prayer, Jewish rituals, and to attain individual skills related to participating in synagogue services.
To provide opportunities for a family experience through sharing social, tikkun, hesed, ritual and learning opportunities.
To create community among the children and parents as they celebrate these occasions together.
To increase our students’ awareness of their Jewish identities and ​​​​​​to encourage their continuing involvement in Jewish learning and Jewish communal activities.
Celebrating your Bnei Mitzvah
At Congregation Beth El, our beautiful facility is available for your usage. You may host your event in our Jacobs Family Community Hall and/or outside on the Turk Family Plaza. As Beth El members, you have priority access to these spaces the weekend of your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah for your Friday night dinner, Shabbat kiddush and/or lunch, or an afternoon or evening reception, or even Sunday event. The B'nei Mitzvah Celebration Guide is intended to provide general information to help you plan your simha. We are always available to speak personally with you and to support you at this special time. For any questions, please contact our Membership & Events Manager, Katharine Kasinak.
Bnei Mitzvah Resources
Below are guides and resources to help you plan and celebrate your family's Bnei Mitzvah. Planning can feel overwhelming at times, we are here to help you every step of the way! Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Membership & Events Manager, Katharine Kasinak, for any questions or concerns.
Resources & Guides: